You have the freedom to visit any medical provider you wish while abroad. You can seek medical care and then submit your receipts, medical records and prescriptions, along with a fully completed claim form to the claims team for processing.

  • Urgent Care Centers and Walk-In Clinics are convenient and less expensive.
  • Only use the Emergency Room (ER) for life-threatening emergency situations, as you will pay an additional ER deductible in most cases.

For assistance finding providers or verifying benefits before seeking treatment, please contact DHIG directly using the contact details below:


The following services require pre-authorization prior to the services taking place, except in emergency situations, which must be pre-authorized within 48 hours or as soon as reasonably possible.
  • In-Patient Hospitalization
  • Outpatient Surgery
  • Any Procedure involving General Anesthesia
  • All CAT scans, PET scans, and MRIs
  • Air Ambulance (Air Ambulance service will be coordinated by the Assistance Service)
  • Specialty Treatments and Highly Specialized Drugs
  • Physical Therapy and Rehabilitation Services
  • Interfaculty Ambulance Transfer
  • Emergency Medical Evacuation
  • Repatriation or Burial
Please see your certificate for full details and make sure to call the number on your insurance ID card within 5 business days prior to the scheduled procedure date or as soon as reasonably possible or there will be a reduction in benefits.

Student Zone

Learn more about using and managing your international insurance plan.

Medical & Travel Assistance:

International: +1.888.302.1406
