When seeking in-person medical treatment, we suggest using your plans network to find doctors in your area. Inside the United States, your plan uses the UnitedHealthcare network and outside of the United States, you’ll have access to the WellAbroad provider directory.

  • Urgent Care Centers and Walk-In Clinics are convenient and less expensive.
  • Only use the Emergency Room (ER) for life-threatening emergency situations, as you will pay an additional ER deductible in most cases.

You can start your search for doctors in your area below:

Search in the USA

For providers in the USA, please mention your plan is part of "UnitedHealthcare".

Search outside the USA

On the WellAbroad website , select your country from the list, and then click on the "providers" button.

Mental Health Doctors

If your plan includes mental health coverage and you need to seek care, please use this link or contact Seven Corners for help finding a local mental health provider at +1 (877) 702-6767.

When using the online search tool, select “Behavioral Health Directory” and then “Employer and Individual Plans” to find a local provider.

Doctors Not in Network

The facilities in this PDF file are listed as In-Network in the search tool for UHC above, but are not In network for your insurance plan. Please make sure to note this when searching.

Student Zone

Learn more about using and managing your international insurance plan.
24-Hour Assistance:

Toll-free: (877) 702-6767
Direct: + 1 (317) 582-2622