Did you know you can submit claims with your phone? All you need to do is gather your itemized bills and receipts, complete a claim form and then take a picture with your phone and email those images to claims@sevencorners.com
To track the status of your claim, please visit your online account.
You can also check on the status of your claim by contacting Seven Corners.
An EOB is an explanation of how your plan benefits were applied to your claims, so in other words what your insurance has paid and has not paid. Through your online account, you will be able to download your EOB's which will explain any amounts you still owe, what amounts have been paid and anything you need to action (such as completing a claim form). You can download our sample EOB that outlines and explains how to read this document.
How are medical claims processed?
If you need assistance with the claims process, please contact us directly.
Toll-free: (877) 702-6767
Direct: + 1 (317) 582-2622