Au Pair

Aupair insurance

Au pairs are still as popular as ever, with parents around the world opting for au pairs as childcare solutions that also open your children's minds to other cultures. Not to mention the benefit many au pairs receive from spending time in their new, host country.

For insurance coverage, au pairs have very unique needs when compared to other exchange programs. Not only are they typically abroad for much longer, which poses its own challenges, but longer term coverage often means a more comprehensive policy is needed. Looking at some of the unique aspects of au pair plans:

Plan Administration
Au pairs often live with their family, as a full-time member of that family. In the USA, for example, the family will be very familiar with the healthcare system and will expect certain levels of care to be met. For instance, a host family will expect a strong PPO, where the au pair can walk in and receive treatment while only paying a deductible or co-pay. Therefore it is important that your Au Pair insurance plan have a very strong and comprehensive PPO network so care can be sought quickly, easily and with minimal fuss.

Policy Benefits
With au pairs being abroad for longer periods of time, typically one to two years, the plan needs higher levels of coverage in place to cover this extended period. We recommend overall levels higher than the $50,000 currently required by the US State Department. In addition, you will also want to consider the inclusion of mental health benefits, some form of pre-existing condition coverage (even if you just have an acute onset cover) and personal liability coverage.

With our extensive work in the high school market, we have the knowledge and expertise to provide you with a plan that is not only geared to your participants, but also priced correctly. Please contact us if you would like further information.

If you are an au pair that needs to buy an individual insurance plan, please visit the au pair section of International Student Insurance .

Plan Administrators
Please login to our enrollment management system

Participant Student Zone

For future or current participants who are insured on our plans, you can view all the details about your plan through your Student Zone. You can find this information in your welcome email and insurance ID card. If you cannot find this, please contact us.